FLC Restoration Center

This ministry is led by Pastor Betty Sams. Counseling Services are by appointment.
Why Counseling?
• Reconciliation – Being in a Relationship
• Restoration – Being Healed
• Reckoning – Being Accountable
• Receiving – Being Delivered
• Renewing – Being Released
Counseling opens the door of communication between Man and God.
Biblical Counseling is not a Couch Counseling – meaning it’s a place that helps you unlock the door or traps in your life that are blocking you from moving forward in God (Reckoning)
• Christian counseling, also known as biblical counseling and Christian psychology, combines your faith with the principles of psychology to improve your mental health and relationships. More specifically, this therapy approach uses scripture and biblical teachings to help you deal with life’s challenges.
Why is Biblical Counseling important? And Who needs it?
• Christian Counseling can be a great help in overcoming addictions, dealing with mental health or mood disorders, navigating personal struggles, grief or loss, and healing marital and family issues. It is a great help in walking through this life’s challenges—a hopeful road to healing and change.
What is the difference between biblical counseling and secular counseling?
• The difference between Biblical and secular counseling is Biblical counseling uses God’s word as the source to assist the client. Secular counseling uses techniques developed by medical professionals to assist the client.
What are the qualities of a Biblical Counselor?
5 Characteristics of a Good Christian Counselor
1. Love: Christians carry the burdens of others. In times of suffering, it becomes especially important to care for, invest in, and carry these burdens alongside others, and this clearly carries over to the counseling setting.
2. Honor: As they walk with hurting people, Christians do so with honor and integrity. Christian counselors uphold a proper therapeutic alliance and counselor code of ethics. Ultimately, counselors should treat their clients with the respect they deserve, treating them as Christ would treat them.
3. Faith: Effective Christian counseling requires the spiritual resources of faith, prayer, and worship. Christian counselors draw close to God in order to remain attuned to his direction in the therapeutic relationship. Faith also provides the counselor with a deeply-rooted hope that God can work in sinful, troubled people.
4. Compassion: Counselors must have compassion as they encounter the “true selves” of their clients–the good and the bad. When seeing the worst elements of a person, or their clients–the good and the bad. When seeing the worst elements of a person, or uncovering their deeply held shame, counselors must exhibit overwhelming compassion for broken people made in God’s image.
5. Humility: A humble heart is at the core of an effective counselor. In order to effectively care for people who come to them from places of vulnerability in the midst of struggle, a posture of humility becomes of utmost importance.
Who needs Counseling?
• Those who are tired of hurting themselves and hurting others.
• Those who wants their relationship restored but don’t know what to do where to begin.
• Those who want to reclaim their God-given authority over their homes, families, and future for the next generation!
If you have any questions please contact Pastor Betty Sams at (912)554-0045, you will get a response within 24 hours of your call.