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Middle and High School Ministry


FLC Student Pastor Kellsie Furness leads this vibrant ministry as middle and high school students connect with one another through music, teaching, conversation, prayer and exciting weekly activities!

FLC Students

FLC Students meet each Wednesday at 6:30 PM as a part of our Midweek Connect.


Young Men of Valor
This world wants nothing more than to challenge the identity of our youth and to confuse and discourage them in the process. If you have a young man in middle school or high school. Please bring them to this brand new ministry Young Men of Valor led by Brother Greg McHargue & Kevin Carlberg.
Y.M.O.V. meets on the last Wednesday of each month from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM.
In this ministry, we are going to give them the tools so they can answer the call on their lives and become the men that Jesus died for them to be. We are going to make their spiritual growth a priority. We will offer a Christ-centered influence. We believe, it is absolutely imperative that they know who they are, in God’s eyes and most importantly, who’s they are, in God’s eyes! This ministry is not just for FLC, if you know a young man that needs Godly biblical guidance they will be welcomed.


God’s Empowered Mighty Sisterhood 
GEMS is very special to us because it was created as a ministry that meets monthly with our teen girls with teachings that emphasize the truth that young women are created in the image of God, pursued by his love, and prepared for great works.
G.E.M.S. meets on the first Monday of each month from 6:30 PM- 8:00 PM.
G.E.M.S in scripture is used as a metaphor that symbolize VALUE, WEALTH, BEAUTY, STRENGTH, STEADINESS, AND DURABILITY.
In the Bible, GEMS were worn on the breast plate of the High Priest. Jesus is our High Priest. Therefore our girls will learn how to be wholesome, positive and precious.
Precious GEMS Ministry will disciple your youth by:
• Providing a Safe place for them to come to share and experience a Christlike teaching environment establish godly mindsets, and build unshakable confidence, while growing in their understanding of what Scripture is saying to them in this day
• Encourage a godly bond between the girls who are in junior high and high school that we hope will never be broken
• Teach godly morals that will combat the world’s immorality
• Combat the lies the enemy tells with the truth of what the Word says about who they are in Christ Jesus
• Teach them about their God-given authority to control their thoughts, words, and actions
• Teach them how to use their words as life-changing not self-defeating
• Teach them to be confident in their walk as Christ followers